Dear Parent
I hope you are all keeping well and looking forward to an enjoyable summer. I just wanted to update you regarding our assessment arrangements for our third year Junior Certificate students.
As you know the Junior Certificate state exams will not take place this year and instead students will be assessed by their teachers. Teachers will use a range of evidence to enable them to fairly assess the learning of students. This evidence will include:
- Assignments
- Portfolios
- Projects
- Practical coursework
- School designed examinations.
Over the last few weeks students have completed a series of school based examinations set by their teachers and will continue with these examinations up to Friday 21st May. Teachers will use the results of these exams and other evidence mentioned above to arrive at a final result for each individual student. Final Junior Cycle 3rd Year reports will be compiled in school and posted home by the second week in June.
At a later date, each student will receive a State Certificate of Completion of the Junior Cycle from the Department of Education. This certificate will state that the student has completed the Junior Cycle programme of study and will also list the subjects studied.
Please note that classes will finish for the summer for all class groups on Friday 28th May as stipulated by the Department of Education.
We wish you a very enjoyable summer and we look forward to a more normal school year in 2021/22.
Yours sincerely
Neil Flaherty