Cabra Community College

Student Council

We have a very active Student Council here at Cabra Community College and we consider student voice and student leadership to be crucial to the development of the school. The Council consists of 16 students as well as mentors such as teachers, senior students and business partners who guide and empower the work of the student body. Regular meetings are held whereby students examine issues affecting school life and then discuss and propose solutions for the benefit of the entire school population.

Following Student Council meetings, student representatives meet with the Principal and Deputy and bring the minutes of their meetings to senior management. They discuss their ideas and concerns with them. In turn, the Principal and Deputy Principal consult the Student Council on policy changes, timetables, facilities and general areas of school life like extra-curricular activities or lunches for example.

The Council play an important role in organising charity fundraising activities, quizzes and sporting events for the whole school.

Cabra Community College,
Kilkieran Road,
Dublin 7,

01 838 9577

© 2024 Cabra Community College