State Examinations Commission Self-Service Candidate Portal
The State Examinations Commission (SEC) Self-Service Candidate Portal will be available from 10 March at 12 noon and will close on 16 March at 6pm.
Students must register for your examinations and/or accredited grades on the portal.
Please note: On Thursday 11th of March, all 6th year students will be guided through the portal registration process in school.
Students will be required to login to the portal again at a later date to confirm what level they are taking examinations in and/or receiving Accredited Grades in.
To register, students will need the following information
- Your examination number - (students received this on Monday 8th March)
- Your Personal Identification Number (PIN)(which is the first 4 digits of your Personal Public Services Number (PPS number)
- Your email address - (one which you will have regular access to over the coming months. (Do not use Yahoo email accounts)
- Your mobile phone number.
A detailed Before you start Guide can be accessed here
The Portal can be accessed here
Below is a short animated guide to the Leaving Certificate and Accredited Grades Process: