Dear Parent/ Guardian
It is now a HSE requirement that any student returning to school after being absent must provide a Return to School Parent Declaration Form. This form confirms that the child does not have Covid 19 and that the parent is following all Covid 19 public health guidelines.
This form must be completed for students who are absent for any period of time. (ie. if a student is absent for even one day then this signed form must be provided when they return).
The Form can be downloaded at the link below:
Return to School Form
Any student returning without this form completed will not be admitted to the school. Students will be asked to return home to pick up the signed form.
Your child will receive a number of copies of this form which they will bring home today. These copies have been copied and sorted in a sanitized environment and are safe to use immediately.
To return the form to the school, you can:
- Take a picture of the completed form and send it:
- Send a paper version with your child on the day they return to school. Your child will then give it to their class tutor.
We would appreciate your co-operation on this matter as we endeavour to keep Cabra Community College Covid 19 free.
Neil Flaherty