Cabra Community College

Return to School April 2020


Dear Parent

I hope you and your family are well.

All of us in Cabra CC are looking forward to welcoming all of our students back to school on Monday 12th April at 9.00am.

Please note the following important information:

Return to School Declaration

At this stage all parents should have received a Return to School Declaration Form via text to complete online. Please submit this form prior to returning to school on Monday.


As a matter of precaution we would encourage students to stay at home if they are experiencing any of the symptoms of Covid 19.

The symptoms of Covid-19 are:

  • a fever (high temperature - 38 degrees Celsius or above)
  • a cough - this can be any kind of cough, not just dry
  • shortness of breath or breathing difficulties
  • loss or change to your sense of smell or taste.


All students are required to wear masks at all times when inside the school building. Only those students with medically certified exemptions can attend school without a mask.

Students will be required to wear their mask correctly at all times (above the nose and below the chin). Students who attend school without a mask will not be admitted to the school. Breaching the mask rule will result in students being sent home from school immediately.

General Information

  • When entering the building students must sanitise their hands and all students must be wearing a face covering at all times.
  • Students will go directly to their 9.00am classroom when they enter the school in the morning.
  • Each Class Group has been assigned a Base Classroom, in which they will remain for the maximum number of classes possible.
  • There is a strict One Way System in place throughout the school, which will facilitate physical distancing.
  • Students will have to bring their own drinks for the full school day as water fountains are no longer be available.
  • There are hand sanitisers placed at all entry/exit points and in every classroom.
  • It is essential that all students practice good hand hygiene and proper cough etiquette at all times.
  • When a class enters a room they will be directed by their teacher to sanitise their hands and sanitise their desk and chair before sitting down.
  • Additional contract cleaning will also be employed on a regular basis.
  • All students should have their own materials for each subject. All materials must be clearly labelled and sharing of pens, rulers etc. will not be allowed.
  • Parent visits to the school should only happen when absolutely necessary and must be strictly by prior appointment only (phone 01 8389577). Parents should arrive at the appropriate time, sign in and then complete a contact tracing log. Parents will then be admitted to the school by the relevant staff member.
  • All visitors must wear a face covering when entering the school building.
  • If you need to collect your child from the school during the school day, please ring the school and then present to the school Porter at the main entrance. Do not enter the building unless directed to.
  • If you have changed phone number or address in recent months please let the school secretary know as soon as possible so that we can ensure we have up to date contact information for all students.
  • There is a Covid 19 Emergency Isolation room in the event that the school has any suspected case of Covid 19.

Please note that Cabra Community College underwent a Covid 19 Inspection in December 2020 by the Department of Education. Our school successfully passed this inspection and the Department were very happy with the Covid 19 prevention measures put in place in our school. The final report is available here.


Neil Flaherty


Cabra Community College,
Kilkieran Road,
Dublin 7,

01 838 9577

© 2024 Cabra Community College