Cabra Community College

School Closure Information for Parents

School Closure Information for Parents

Information for parents on students working from home

Following a directive from the Department of Education, Cabra Community College will remain closed from Thursday 12th March until Monday 30th March 2020.

During this school closure teachers will work from home and provide daily school work to students via email, Office 365 and other online platforms. Teachers have also provided all students with hard copy materials, textbooks and workbooks for students to complete at home. Teachers will be in daily contact with students and will be available via email to provide support and guidance to our students throughout this closure.

All students have email addresses and teachers have ensured that all students have access to these accounts and are able to receive assignments and communicate with their teachers.

If any student is having difficulty with their account or if parents would like to discuss any issues that may arise please contact us on 087 3335687 or email

We would encourage all parents to ensure that all of our students continue to engage in their classwork every day and continue to study for the state exams. Our teachers will be working from home every day so students will have ample school work to complete.

As of yet we have not received any communication from the Department of Education regarding the affect this school closure will have on Leaving Cert Oral exams and practical project work. We will update you with this information when we receive it.

Stay safe everyone and follow the Public health guidelines.

Neil Flaherty


Cabra Community College,
Kilkieran Road,
Dublin 7,

01 838 9577

© 2024 Cabra Community College